In a groundbreaking move for the digital payments industry, Geidea, a prominent financial technology firm, has announced a strategic partnership...
In a recent move to address customer frustrations stemming from technological disruptions, Nigeria’s Central Bank (CBN) has issued a directive...
ARM Labs Lagos Techstars, popularly known as Techstars Lagos, has officially closed its operations two years after launching in Nigeria....
John Obaro, Founder and Group Managing Director of SystemSpecs Holdings Limited, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree by...
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to enhance capital market education across Nigerian universities by introducing subjects like...
African venture capital firm Janngo Capital has successfully closed its second fund at €73 million ($78 million), exceeding its initial...
The Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) has given Access Bank the green light to acquire National Bank of Kenya (NBK)...
Paystack, the leading payment platform in Africa, has announced the launch of Paystack Transfers in Kenya. This new feature empowers...
Bamboo, a Nigerian investment platform, has expanded its operations to Canada and launched a new fee-free remittance service called Coins...
Wema Bank has released its third-quarter results for 2024, showcasing an impressive rise in pre-tax profits to N30.050 billion, up...